30 Seconds To Mars

30 Seconds To Mars

Friday 14 October 2011

Post Two: Visual style and image by Cathy Mallett

I've chosen these two videos by 30 Seconds to Mars:

Kings and Queens (2010)
The Kill (2006)

I've picked these two because there is a significant time gap between when each were made so it shows the bands change.

Typical visual elements in the mise-en-scene:
- Big performances
- Weird elements; in The Kill, there are two of each of the band and it's quite twisted. In Kings and Queens, there are hundreds of people dressed funny riding around for no apparent reason.
- Symbolism and meaning; The Kill- finding who you truely are, the doubled up band members are meant to show how everyone at one point battles with themselves. Who they are, and who they want to be. Kings and Queens shows freedom and unity. It's a link to the Echelon, and the entire 30stm family.

I think 30STM's image in their videos is intended to be honest and true to themselves. They don't try and over dress etc, they just wear what they would if they were performing. Obviously Jared Leto (the lead singer) is very attractive which creates sex appeal. He's often featured in the videos without his shirt on, bringing in a huge female audience.

As Laura previously posted, the triad is very important to the band and therefore important to their videos. The band use various effects to show the triad. For example, in Kings and Queens, the cyclists cycle in a triad shape. In their other videos the triad flashes up. Also, the band sometimes have the triad branded on their clothing (which they wear in the videos):

This is the triad on the back of Jared's jacket in Kings and Queens.

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