30 Seconds To Mars

30 Seconds To Mars

Friday 14 October 2011

Post One: Image and Genre by Sarah Ellis

Thirty seconds to mars use various elements in order to identify themselves in their music videos. Their videos are alive with a vital combination of performance, narrative and also conceptual ideas. They create narratives that can be interpreted by the viewer and put forward very few narratives which are able to be fully understood without thought and consideration. They use the element of individuality as due the the development of their image and sound, they have become a unique band instead of just another product of a genre. They try to convey elements of unity. Thirty seconds to mars is very fan orientated. Messages and ideas that the band believe in have over time, become the most important element of their videos.
They are of the rock/alternative rock genre however they are very different from other bands in their genre as they have become in a way, a completely unique artifact.

Over time, the image of Thirty seconds to mars has changed countless times.
This is an image from their first video 'Capricorn' filmed in 2005. In the beginning, the bands image was more heavy rock. The guitars in the song were heavier and their entire image and music had a heavier feel. They fit more into the alternative genre. They combined a mixture of performance and complex narrative. They also encorporate conceptual ideas. 
In 2006 they released the video, 'The Kill'. Their image changed from rock to emo, with Jared sporting black hair and eyeliner. They still conformed to their conventions and include narrative, performance and conceptual elements.
Their image changed yet again in 2009 with the release of their video, 'Kings and queens'. Jared lost the eyeliner and became more mainstream. His look became casual and sleek. Instead of the typical aspects of their music videos, they became more orientated with performance and conveying messages of what they believe in as well as the unity of their fans. 
In 2010 they released 'Closer to the edge'. Again, followed with a change of image. Jared now sported a pink Mohawk. The video was a show reel of their performances and was solely about the message of unity. Towards the beginning the band were more generic but over time developed into a unique band.

The generic conventions that are evident in their videos are performance, and a lot of lead singer/band and instrument close ups. The film style has become more lighting focused over time. 

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