How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
We made a great effort to maintain a clear image and theme that connected to the band and the narrative. The main method we have used for this, is the triad, which is the symbol that represents Thirty Seconds to Mars. We linked together our Jared Leto and our main soldier with the use of the triad necklace which they both wore.
The video also begins with a shot of the triad printed on one of the soldiers hands.
When Sam dies at the end of the video, his triad is the object given to his wife.
We thought a lot about this particular shot. Not only does it contain the triad, but it also contains the two wrist bands. Cathy and Connor are both sporting Afghan heros and help for heros wrist bands. This shows on Cathy's side that she was supporting Sam and on Connors side shows he is still supporting his fellow comrades.
The triad links to the Echelon which we also tried to represent in our video by the use of Thirty Seconds to Mars fans singing sections of the song. Our ongoing theme that links everything together, is war. Vox Populi, is a song about unity and this is also the meaning of the triad. We linked the lyrics of the song in order to settle on the theme of war. We used various techniques to maintain this image including the use of costumes, fake weaponry, sound effects and camera angles.
Our CD cover, website and video are all interrelated. They all consistantly portray the theme of war, and we worked hard in order to do this. The pictures we took for the digipak were taken on set, and we wanted to focus more on the theme of the song and the album for our digipak rather than the band. We used referance material in order to create the front and back cover, and we siloutted the soldiers against the smoke of the explosion. Below are images which we used for reference for the front cover.
We also lightly created a triad within the smoke, again appealing to the echelon and linking to the band.
We also incorporated the triad within the website. We created a triad out of photos of Cathy, Laura and I for the website background.
We focused on using the same font for the website and digipak which is an actual font that Thirty Seconds to Mars have used named Bank Gothic. The images below are from our CD cover and website.
We wanted the soldiers to be strongly presented within our digipak, website and video. We did this by using shots of our soldiers Connor on the back cover, standing to fight and our main soldier Sam on this inside cover pointing a gun at the camera.
We made sure to include many soldier images on the website in order to consistantly continue the war theme. They all have the same purpose; to evoke emotion from the viewers.
It tackles current issues in the news and we also tried many things to make the video more emotional such as; Cathy being pregnant and her and Sam being settled with a home and a family dog. We believed because there was so much to lose for both characters that it would would make the video more emotional. We believe that the one thing that strongly links the website, digipak and video is an essence of power. On the digipak you have the explosion, on the website you have the soldiers in action, and in the video you have a full sequence of events.
We kept a running theme through all three with the colour scheme. We used lots of black and deep red as these are colours that can remind you of death and other negative things.
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